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Sophie Herr



Voices in Silent Film

PhD Candidate

Grunewaldstraße 34
12165 Berlin


Studies of Philosophy and Visual Arts in Paris and Venice.

Master Degree of Arts and Aesthetics at Sorbonne (Paris I) University with research paper entitled 'Geste de la voix et théâtre du corps'.

2011-12: research grant from DFK – 'Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte' in Paris. Participation in their Research Group 'Silence. Schweigen'.

Since 2012: scholarship holder of the Research Training Group 'Interart Studies' at Free University Berlin. The PhD project is entitled 'Voices in Silent film'.

Since 2009: freelance work in the field of literary translation.

Voices in Silent Film

The paradox included in the working title 'Voices in Silent Film' points out the relation between the voice and the silenced voice in the inherently silent images of the early cinema, between the unheard speech and the acoustic dimension of the images of silent cinema. This approach intends to ask about the determination of these voices in the visual poetic of speech and their effect for the film reception (the auditory imagination). What does “voices” mean for the silent film? And based on the fact that silent film deals with speaking, singing and screaming characters, what does it mean for the (silent) cinematic medium to produce his own form of vocality? 

Geste de la voix et Théâtre du corps. Corps et expérimentations vocales à la croisée des pratiques artistiques, du XXe siècle à nos jours, l’Harmattan, coll. L’art en Bref, 2009.

-"La voix entre excès et retrait. Les fantômes de l'opéra dans le cinéma muet". In: Entrelacs 11/2014.

-"Ce que dit le cinéma du muet". In Andreas Beyer, Laurent Le Bon (Hg.): Silence. Schweigen. Über die Stumme Praxis der Kunst, Berlin/München,  Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2015.

-"Taubstumme und Stummfilm. Medialität des Inapparenten". In:  Das Zeichen 29:99 (2015), 48-59.

„Le cinématographe et la voix du sourd-muet“, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris: Conférence DFK/INHA: Réflexions sur le silence dans les arts visuels, 16. 06. 2012.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft