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Embodied Relations

The subject of the study by Lilian Seuberling in the subproject Theater as Therapy focuses on different theatrical therapy forms such as Gestalt Therapy, Psychodrama and Dramatherapy.

In a society of acceleration, digitialization, and therewith disembodiment, which is shaped by discourses of power that ever produce specific definitions of health and disease, Lilian Seuberling examines the question of how theatrical forms of therapy work as part of the system and how they conceptualize and position their practice in relation to it.

It is obvious that in theatrical therapy forms a different inclusion of body and movement takes place: the body is not only used seating, seeing, listening and speaking, but above all, in these therapy forms, the perception of the body and its movement itself gets into the focus. Based on the thesis that the inclusion of the body has transformed the entire relationship structure of therapy, Lilian Seuberling examines in her work on the one hand the relations of theatre and therapy, therapy and society, on the other hand the practice of embodied relationships in the therapies themselves. Aspects of witnessing, phenomena of resonance and repetition in both intentional and unintentional manifestations, as well as the production of dramaturgies of perception and action - with special consideration of the handling of time in an accelerated society - become central.


  • Gestalttherapy, Psychodrama, dramatherapy, Lilian Seuberling, movement, body, health care system, subject, Germany, USA, theatralicity, performative, The Role of Movement and Body in Processes of Bonding Transformation and Integration in Therapy From that Make Use of Elements of Theatre, Theatre as Therapy, The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre, Transformation, integration, Therapy form making use of Elements of Theatre